
Monday, May 3, 2010

Prior to reading

Fantastic Mr Fox, by Roald Dahl, is a much loved childrens book. When you think about the title and look at the cover, what ideas come to mind about the story and who the characters might be?
Briefly outline what you think the story might be about.


  1. duncan langlandsMay 4, 2010 at 2:05 PM

    mr fox takes chickens.The old men wont to catch the fox.they must have lots of goose and chickens

  2. I think the story's about a fox and 3 farmers at war but the fox is trying 2 feed his faimaly. ^HERO$$

  3. I think the story is about the Fox stealing food trying to feed his family and the 3 farmers find it annoying and try to kill the Fox

  4. Mr foxs keeps taking the farmers stuff and the farmers want to catch him

  5. Mr and Mrs Fox and his four little ones and the three ugly famers. Mr Fox is very smart and sneaky.

  6. Mr and Mrs Fox have 4 little foxs and the other characters are 3 ugly farmers that try to catch Mr fox bacause he steals the farmers chickens and any other animal they have so mr fox can feed his family

  7. Mr Fox is a very claver fox because there are three mean bad farmer that hate him. They try two get him but he can get out of it most of the time.It looks like he is trying two find food for the famiy
